
Murder, abuse, organized crime, racketeering, corrupt judges, attorneys, guardian adlitem, child protection services, mental health care providers, and anyone else who stands to make a profit on the backs of our children! Guilty!!!

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They call this a “Sleep Study!”,  We call it “Cashin’ In;” and using this 5 year-old boy Joseph to do it!  This is a disgrace!  Nothing more, Nothing less!  This is a perfect picture of everyone getting paid.  The doctor, the social workers, the judge, the attorneys, the mental health providers, the county agency (CPS), the federal government, and of course the facility conducting these ridiculous tests on this 5-year-old son Joseph.  AGAINST THE PARENTS WILL!

The Family Unit is alive, but not well; arguably the backbone of our very existence!  Whentorn apart, especially for no good reason, it’s quickly doomed to live out its existence in pieces; and it’s pieces are left without purpose or reason to live a full, complete life.  We’re talkin’ about irreparable damage.  In fact, from that point it will likely deteriorate rapidly in many, many ways.  It is DEAD!  MURDERED by those that saw fit to parrot terms like “best interest of this” “best interest of that” while not actually having the best interest of anything in mind or at heart, but their very own existence.  Job Security, Money, even simply justifying their own existence in some twisted, misguided way.  It’s a disgrace!  IT IS MURDER! 

The Federal Government’s stake…

You see, the federal Government provides direct funding to each and every state in the union in the form of incentives, bonuses and other creative, illegitimate, money laundering, fraudulent, schemes; at the expense of this 5-year-old boy, Joseph and many others just like him!  Racketeering, plain and simple!  Organized Crime!  So, the Feds then disperse their tentacles among, around, and throughout the various forms of corruption within our federal government and with likewise corrupt politicians to LOBBY for more tax dollars.

They call this a “sleep study!”  I call it “cashin’ in;” and using our 5 year-old son JOSEPH to do it!  This is a disgrace!  nothing more, nothing less!  This is a perfect picture of everyone getting paid.  The doctor, the social workers, the judge, the attorneys, the mental health providers, the county agency (CPS), the federal government, and of course the facility conducting these ridiculous tests on our 5-year-old son JOSEPH.  AGAINST OUR WILL!

The Family Unit is alive, but not well; arguably the backbone of our very existence!  When torn apart, especially for no good reason, it’s quickly doomed to live out its existence in pieces; and it’s pieces are left without purpose or reason to live a full, complete life.  We’re talkin’ about irreparable damage.  In fact, from that point it will likely deteriorate rapidly in many, many ways.  It is DEAD!  MURDERED by those that saw fit to parrot terms like “best interest of this” “best interest of that” while not actually having the best interest of anything in mind or at heart, but their very own existence.  Job Security, Money, even simply justifying their own existence in some twisted, misguided way.  It’s a disgrace!  IT IS MURDER! 


A definition of Organized Crime slightly modified to apply certain precepts of the Family Court System…

An ongoing conspiratorial enterprise engaged in illicit activities as a means of generating income for profit. Structured like a business into a pyramid-shaped hierarchy, it freely employs threats of grievous retribution (including destruction of the family and the institution of marriage) to maintain internal and external control, and thuggery and contribution to election campaigns to buy political patronage for immunity from exposure and prosecution. Its activities include fraud, legalized kidnapping for ransom, racketeering, seizing of assets, etc. Called by names such as Therapists, Social Workers, Court Appointed Attorneys, Guardian Ad Litem, Family Court Judges, CPS; these people do not tolerate competition (especially from parents) and constantly fight for monopolization in their specialty (such as the abduction of children, parental alienation, separation anxiety, adjustment disorder), especially against FATHERS. They are distinguished from the common (unorganized) crimes by characteristics such as (1) non-random nature of criminal behavior, (2) coordinated activities of hundreds or thousands of operatives, (3) diversification of activity (Divorce, Custody, Child Support, Abuse, Neglect, Dependency), (4) regional, national scale of operations, (5) large volume of turnover (running into billions of dollars in some cases), (6) pursuit of both profit and power, and (7) usually an identifiable leadership.

A 1975 UN definition of organized crime reads, “… large-scale and complex criminal activity carried on by groups of persons, however loosely or tightly organized, for the enrichment of those participating and at the expense of the community and its members. It is frequently accomplished through ruthless disregard of any law, including offenses against the person, and frequently in connection with political corruption.”

Paul Nesbitt (head of Interpol’s Organized Crime Group) defined it in 1993 as, “Any group having a corporate structure whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities, often surviving on fear and corruption.”

CPS has a very large stake as well…
Did you know that when CPS generates business for outside agencies or services, like the sleep study performed on my 5-year-old son JOSEPH, or even when they contract for a mental health evaluation (which you can be sure they do for each and every case), they get directly compensated?  That’s right, they collect a 50% administrative fee for each and every service they refer to agencies outside their own; and even for services performed by their own staff (anger classes, parenting classes, etc.).  This is perfectly legal and completely authorized by Title IV of the Social Security act.  Oh, and by the way, these federal funds amount to nothing less that an I.O.U. to the Social Security Trust Fund – since it is common knowledge that there is NO MONEY in that fund at the present time.  Our Federal Government simply prints the money (or they borrow it from CHINA) as needed.  Of course CPS and other Federal and State level Health and Human Services organizations benefit financially and in many other ways from the legally kidnapping of our children.  What about “job Security?”  No kids, no job!  Bringing an end to these unnecessary programs would mean insurmountable job loss; and I mean it when I tell you that there are county agencies – even entire states that have propped themselves up on these programs (on the backs of our children folks).  Cutting off these federal funds “cold-turkey”would be devastating to many state and local governments, but it MUST be done.  We cannot put a price on the life of a child or a value on the health and/or the very existence of a family unit! PERIOD!

This is a Hundred-Billion Dollar industry to be sure.  Think about that for just one second!  Maybe a few minutes. But I digress…  back to JOSEPH and his inexcusable torture at the hands of Julie Riggins and Wake County Human Services.

Julie Riggins a Social Worker for Child Protective Services approached my wife and I to inform us that JOSEPH would be needing tubes in his ears and would also need his tonsils and adenoids removed.  This according to their Wake County CPS doctor.  We were never invited to attend this appointment and therefore we informed Julie Riggins that we would not consent to this elective surgery.  Julie Riggins later testified in court that this surgery was not elective but rather it was medically necessary according to their doctor.  I argued that we had never met this doctor and we may wish to seek a second opinion.  The Judge ordered that my wife and I visit with this doctor and/or seek a second opinion.

At the meeting with the doctor, it was very specifically and clearly explained that all of these proposed procedures were completely elective and would absolutely not harm JOSEPH whatsoever if we chose not to move forward.  It was further offered that the doctor schedule a sleep study to determine if JOSEPH (RIGHT) was losing any sleep or suffering from sleep apnea.  We declined.  We did offer however that we were not completely opposed to the recommended surgery, if JOSEPH could at least have his mother present and could spend at least four days recovering with his mother in her home.  Otherwise we would prefer to delay and revisit these options in 6 months (all the children would likely be home before then).  Julie Riggins and CPS declined.  Do they really think she would “run off” with our son after a major surgery and leave behind her other 6 children???

In any case, it was ultimately decided that we were not willing to move ahead with the surgery under the current circumstances and that we did not see any need for a sleep study at this time.

Julie Riggins and CPS went ahead and scheduled the sleep study regardless of our position on the matter.  we objected, to no avail.  During a later visit with JOSEPH (LEFT – YELLOW JACKET), he was describing to me that he was having a hard time hearing out of the ear in question.  I spoke with him at length and ultimately told him that we would take care of his ear immediately so he could hear better.  I communicated this to Julie Riggins on that evening and asked her to cancel the sleep study as we would be going forward with the surgery after all.  She acknowledged and we discussed the next steps over the coming weeks.

Next thing I know the sleep study is on.  I could not understand why there was a need to put our son JOSEPH through  such an invasive study/procedure, especially with the surgery set to take place in a few weeks.  Julie Riggins set this up while I was on a mission trip to Guatemala knowing I would be out of the country and could not easily mount opposition to this with the court.

So, we exchanged some email…

—–Original Message—–
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 5:34 AM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Joseph

Per the ENT recommendation, Joseph is scheduled for a sleep study on 1/24/12.  Debra plans to stay with him at the facility overnight since the court order allows her unsupervised visitation.  Once we have the results, I will let you know.

From: Ron Reale [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:08 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject:RE: Joseph

My wife and I could not have been more clear; we are opposed to Joseph having surgery at this time on his ears and/or his throat.  This opposition extends to your plans to conduct some sort of “sleep study” on him.  Despite your efforts to use our son Stephen to coerce us, when your attorney called him as a witness on December 1, 2011, our position has not changed.

I remember it like it was yesterday; when Stephen spoke to me from the witness stand toward the conclusion of the hearing on December 1, 2011.  It was nothing less than one galactic validation openly exposing how Stephen was clearly coached by you and your cohorts to speak words designed to intimidate and coerce my wife and I (his own mother and father) to drop our Federal Suit filed against the lot of you earlier in the week.  Detailing terms like $20,000,000 and the like, while even reading from a piece of paper pulled from his pocket.  It’s like an out-of-body experience for me even as I write these very words.  Still as unbelievable as the very moment of their inception.  I cannot measure the sadness I felt for my son in those moments.  My own flesh and blood being systematically turned against his own mother and father.  You are the epitome of the very evil you strangely purport to rise up against in your haughty position of manufactured, inflated power.  You and your entire agency disgust me!

You must also recall as Stephen continued to accuse me, his father of not allowing his younger brother Joseph to have the surgery on his “nose,” that Stephen’s understanding was that Joseph “needs” the surgery, and that this is why Joseph was removed from our home to begin with.  These very sentiments have been parroted by Matthew in my recent visits on more than one occasion.  How diabolical!  It truly is quite amazing how each of you plays such a repulsive role in this unconscionable effort to separate child from parent and vise-versa.

So here we are, still being forced to play along with your game.  This vicious cycle of control you and your agency relentlessly insist on executing right down to the smallest, most irritating detail.  Since you have been denied the chance to expose Joseph to such intrusive procedures outside of his own home, while separated from his brothers and sisters, and his mother and father; you now presume that you have the right to expose our precious 5-year-old son to more invasive activity by way of a proposed “sleep study.”  Why?  To what end?  No one disputes the fact that Joseph snores or that snoring may interrupt his sleep.  In fact, I’ll take it further by stating that no sleep study could ever isolate or attribute any such loss of sleep to his tonsils or adenoids.  Our young son Joseph has been through immeasurable trauma over the past 2 years.  Clearly any loss of sleep or other related affliction should quite quickly be more aligned with his current environment and where his life has taken him over the past two years.

During the doctor’s appointment where we discussed the “options” with regard to these elective surgeries, my wife and I decided to forgo both procedures.  The doctor made it quite clear that doing so would not harm Joseph in any way.  Although the doctor mentioned that the snoring may cause Joseph to lose sleep and in turn might possibly affect his progress in school, my wife and I feel very comfortable with our decision.  Since Joseph is currently showing no signs of slipping in school, is scheduled to complete Kindergarten in May, and not expected to begin 1st grade until September (8 months from now), we absolutely feel our decision to delay any further conversation about these procedures for at least six months is appropriate.

This includes your proposal to prod and probe Joseph while exposing him to yet another invasive procedure.  I can’t imagine what it might be like for my little buddy to spend the night in a hospital so you people can simply watch him sleep.  It seems quite futile and ridiculous to be very frank.  Why would anyone or any organization even propose to subject a 5-year-old boy to such torture?  The effect on his psyche is clearly unknown and not worth the risk.

I have NEVER been informed of any setbacks in school for Joseph.  I have however had my own concerns; for example when Joseph brought his homework with him to our one hour weekly visit on Thursday January 5, 2012.  I originally objected to this when you proposed it back in August; that my one hour visits would include the requirement that I feed all my children dinner and that I would be required to do their homework with them – each of them – all five – in one hour???  You quickly backed down when the supervising therapist would not support your proposal.  So when Joseph arrived with his homework two weeks ago I was certainly surprised, but of course decided to help my son.  unfortunately, and as usual, there was much more than meets the eye.  The homework he brought on this Thursday evening was for the entire week prior.  When I inquired, the CAREGIVER stated “it’s only 30 minutes.”  What?  30 minutes?  Try 30 minutes per night (M, T, W, TH).  Gee, I wonder if this type of supervision and accountability might contribute to Joseph slipping.  As a result of the pressure to complete all this work during the visit, Joseph became very much overwhelmed and was unable to even begin to enjoy his visit with his dad.

When this is all disseminated on National TV, then and only then may you begin to understand the gravity of what you are responsible for here.  You must know that this is an election year and there are many, many more topics out there that easily trump the economy (especially at the local level); and it seems there are many more out there than one might think who are ready, willing, and able to nationalize this issue.  Oh sure, I’ll admit that Judge Christian is more likely to be the poster child for the corruption at the depths of this case (and others), but all of you have quite willingly played a role and each of your actions will most certainly serve quite nicely to expose this broken system while bringing it full circle.  In fact they already have, to the tune of 3 websites, 4 Facebook pages, 5 twitter accounts, a weekly radio show, and much, much more.  I receive no less than 4-5 emails per week from people telling similar tales, asking for my help and support.  Many here in Raleigh.  I will not stop in my pursuit for justice.  For my family and the very many (now hundreds) who have contacted me since.

I will remain true to my pursuit of the District 41 seat for the North Carolina House of Representatives.  I am the Libertarian Party Candidate.  REALECHANGE is Coming!

I am requesting that you cancel the appointment for the “sleep study” indefinitely.  There is absolutely no rational purpose for this procedure and Joseph MUST not be subjected to such an event in the midst of this chaos!  CHANGE IS COMING!!!  GIVE US BACK OR KIDS!!!

Libertarian Party Candidate
NC District 40 House of Reps
11010 Lake Grove Blvd. STE 100-211
Morrisville, NC  27560

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As you can see from the picture at the top of the page JOSEPH was none to happy with his experience.  These people are despicable, the epitome of EVIL!  MONEY motivates their each and every decision!  That’s all there is to it.  They generate their revenue on the backs of our kids, plain and simple…

And in case you don’t have the time to browse this website or you are not already familiar with our family’s story, we have seven children in the custody of Wake County Human Services (WCHS) here in Raleigh, North Carolina going on 21 months now!  Courtesy of WCHS Social Worker Julie Riggins, WCHS Social Worker Saundra Judd, WCHS Social Worker Jill Green, WCHS Social Worker Supervisor Richard Hayner, WCHS Social Worker Supervisor Nikki Lyons, WCHS Social Worker Supervisor John Gustavson, WCHS Program Director Virginia King, WCHS Assistant Division Director Lisa Cauley, WCHS Division Director Dr. Warren Ludwig, WCHS Director Ramon Rojano, County Attorney Albert Singer, Dr. Karin Yoch (LEFT), Judge Lori Christian, Judge Eric Chasse, Judge Monica Bousman, GAL Attorney Susan Vick (RIGHT), GAL Attorney Mellonee Kennedy, Court Appointed Real Estate Attorney Steve Combs (this was his third case since practicing law as a Real estate attorney for over 6 years), Court Appointed Attorney Rick Croutharmel (he was actually on the other side prosecuting cases for the past 6 years as a GAL attorney).  I guess the obvious conflict whereby he switched sides from prosecutor to defense in the same courtroom, and before the same judges (now friends) never occurred to anyone???

The adjudication of Neglect was never proven, or substantiated in any way, because it never existed.  In fact the only bit of evidence was a Domestic Violence Protective Order that was entered against me unlawfully by rogue Judge Lori Christian (RIGHT).  That’s right she entered a DVPO against me because she felt like it, no due process whatsoever.  My wife never even asked for one.  Social Worker Saundra Judd did ask that one be put in place against me to prevent contact between me and my wife and children.  This Social Worker Saundra Judd has a great friendship with Judge Lori Christian outside the courtroom.  Oh, did I forget to mention, Judge Lori Christian was the County Attorney for Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency cases when she was appointed to the bench in 2007.  That’s right, she was rubbing elbows and quite tight with all the social workers; and Judges – namely Judge Monica Bousman (what a coincidence).  Why do you think she was appointed?  Friends in high places.  Hmmm?  This unlawful DVPO was ultimately set aside as unlawful and VOID (as if it never existed) 10 months later.  So that’s it, right?  Wrong!  The equally corrupt Judge Monica Bousman (RIGHT) who is handling the Neglect case refuses to return our children.  Judge Bousman is also quite close with Judge Lori Christian.  Not just because they are Judges in the same district, but let’s not forget Judge Bousman has been in her position for some ten years now.  You got it, that’s where she and Judge Lori Christian were a TEAM.  Destroying families with the best of ‘em!  For years together.  Even in the midst of hearing more and more revealing evidence that nothing, and I mean nothing, ever took place in our home to even resemble Neglect (or abuse for that matter), she has repeatedly decided (for 21 months now) to blatantly abuse the power entrusted to her by the people of North Carolina by continuing to refuse to return our children (WITH ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO HOLD THEM).

Along the way, I have been unlawfully detained on two separate occasions by Judge Lori Christian (because she can) for 8 hours and 48 hours respectively (currently being investigated and the subject of our Federal Lawsuit).  I was escorted by two sheriff’s deputies, by order of the court (Judge Lori Christian) and threat of 30 days in jail, to Bank of America in handcuffs to withdraw ALL BUT $1 from my personal bank account and to surrender it to the court (also being investigated and the subject of our Federal Lawsuit).  This while owing no one any money whatsoever, and even in the absence of any court order directing me to pay anyone any money for any reason (just because she can).

I have no criminal record and still have none.  I am a former United States Marine.  I am a Christian, active in Domestic & International Missions.  I do not drink alcohol and I have Never done any drugs in my entire life!  Check out the rest of this website in your spare time, you will be amazed!

I am coming… Like a freight train, with all the POWER and AUTHORITY of the United States Constitution.  I will stop at nothing.  GIVE US BACK OUR KIDS!  CHANGE IS COMING!  REALECHANGE!  ronreale2012.com 

“So long as we continue as a society to allow and to tolerate such criminal activity from our Family Court Systems’ elected officials (Judges), Court Appointed Pretenders (certainly not defenders), Social Workers (CPS and others), and other collaterals who “claim” to be members of the medical community; and to further tolerate the complete disregard for our United States Constitution (by the people and for the people), we will continue to witness “first hand” the demise of our great Country, the very fabric of our Free Society, and the certain Dismantlement and Destruction of OUR COUNTRY’S BACKBONE, “THE FAMILY”!”
                                                                                                  Indignant Father, Ron Reale

“Our system of government does not work if we do not “fight back” and stand up for our inalienable rights! It was designed to be challenged!”

Indignant Father, Ron Reale

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