
"Report of Elder Abuse against my grandpa"

This morning I have a meeting with State Rep Sam Yingling to discuss the abuse and financial exploitation that my grandpa has suffered while under guardianship.

I now have in my possession a report that was taken on Sept. 1, 2013 which a medical professional states that my grandpa "is adamant that he does not belong in the [psych unit] hospital and is sad that he has to be brought here.

He states it is like a jail. He admits to feeling sad all the time and he has a negative outlook about himself and his future. He reports feelings of guilt and worthlessness. He reports increased crying, agitation and irritability. ...

He reports that his guardian and caregiver are mistreating him and stealing from him."

Please note that my grandpa reported this abuse and yet the guardian was paid $20,000 from his estate when they resigned on Sept. 23, 2013.

I know that my grandpa has no chance of restoring his independence because he is too wealthy and too easily able to be taken advantage by the court players who have made $150,000 off his suffering to date.

Today's court action will give the guardian of the estate the right to sell his gold and take over his company.

My grandpa has been so abused that he has trouble sleeping. I am of the belief that he is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. He was confined, isolated, and deprived of his liberty, property, social contact with family, etc. for months and he saw that none of us could save him.

The list of medications that he was taking in the psych unit consists of 17 different forms of injections and tabs.

Pray that the people who have abused my grandpa for their own profit will be held liable and that I will be successful in getting law enforcement to do a proper investigation and that our members of congress and state legislators will take action to pass a law that prevents other vulnerable citizens from suffering the abuse that has devastated my grandpa's welfare and well-being.

Denise Rotheimer
34955 N. Augustana
Ingleside, IL 60041
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