Who is the former Australian Prime Minister and judges who are paedophiles?

Type of protection : Granting release

Senator Bill Heffernan claimed in Parliament on Tuesday (19/10/15) that he has a police list of 28 prominent people that includes a former Prime Minister and current judges that are suspected of being paedophiles. This is dynamite and an issue that will not go away until it is dealt with in full in an open and public manner.

There is enough detail in Senator Heffernan’s allegations to make them very credible. Some of the details are:

  1. The list “formed part of police documents that had been “signed off” by Gary Crooke, QC, the former senior counsel assisting NSW’s Wood royal commission into police corruption in the 1990s. Mr Crooke declined to comment when contacted by Fairfax Media on Tuesday.”
  2. The list includes a former Australian Prime Minister, judges, members of the legal fraternity and others.
  3. “Every Commonwealth attorney-general since Philip Ruddock had seen the list”. This seems to have been confirmed by Philip Ruddock and Former Labor Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.
  4. Senator Heffernan “accused former royal commissioner Justice James Roland Wood of refusing to investigate lawyers who had allegedly attended a Kings Cross “boy brothel”. (Click here to read more)
  5. The name of the club was Costellos and was a known “boy brothel” attended by members of the Sydney legal fraternity. (Click here to read more)
  6. Former Royal Commissioner Wood denied the allegations by Senator Heffernan, but not outright. “Mr Wood could not recall if the alleged list had been raised at the 1995 commission but said: “I reject that we failed to investigate anyone that fell within our terms of reference.” That is a very weak denial by Mr Wood and allows him plenty of wriggle room to change his story later down the track if needed. (Click here to read more)
Former Prime Ministers

Former Australian Prime Ministers

“In October 2012, Labour MP Tom Watson stood up in the British House of Commons and lobbed a grenade – metaphorically speaking.”

“Tapping a sheaf of paper in his hands, he told the Prime Minister that police had – or used to have – a file of evidence containing “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and No. 10″.” (Click here to read more).

Tom Watson’s 2012 address to the UK parliament sparked a number of inquires that continue as of today. Then there is the Jimmy Savile scandal, which resulted in the ongoing paedophile investigation Operation Yewtree which also helped catch Rolf Harris.

Then there is Prince Andrew’s links to a paedophile network and allegations he is a paedophile. (Click here to read more) With what is happening in the UK and given Senator’s Heffernan’s police list it is very conceivable that there is a paedophile ring at the highest levels of government in Australia.

Suspected paedophiles is the judiciary / legal fraternity. Some examples are: 

This site is meant to focus on judicial corruption and its associated matters. But when investigating judicial corruption evidence regularly comes to hand that forces me to write about paedophilia and its cover-up in the judicial / legal fraternity.

Three examples are:

Suspected paedophile Judge Garry Neilson

In July 2014 I wrote an article titled: “Has Judge Garry Neilson outed himself for being a paedophile given he implied incest and paedophilia are OK?” (Click here to read more)

In December 2015 I wrote a follow-up article: “Premier Mike Baird & Chief Justice Bathurst fail to act on paedophile supporter Judge Garry Neilson” (Click here to read more)

So where is it at now? Judge Garry Neilson received nothing more than a reprimand and continues to work as a judge. (Click here to read more) That’s the judicial and political system at work protecting their own.

Paedophile protector and former NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith. Currently a barrister

In 2012 Greg Smith who was then the NSW Attorney-General attacked the credibility of child victim of Father Finian Egan who is Mr Smith’s friend. Greg Smith said she was only after money in an attempt to defend Father Egan. I wrote an article titled “Protecting paedophiles the judicial way. Justice Ken Taylor and the Attorney General Greg Smith.” (Click here to read)

Father Finian Egan was convicted of being a paedophile in 2013 and sentenced to 8 years jail with a minimum of 4 years for abusing numerous girls. (Click here to read more)

Tony Abbott and George Brandis

In July 2015 I wrote a post titled: “Tony Abbott and Brandis both secretly met with paedophile protector George Pell. Why?” (Click here to read more) The title says it all and raises many questions.

In just the 3 examples above we have numerous people with serious questions to answer which should be done at a judicial inquiry specifically for the legal fraternity. Some of those questions are:

  1. So why did Greg Smith attack one of the victims in an attempt to defend a paedophile and should Greg Smith be allowed to work as a barrister?
  2. Why has Premier Baird allowed Judge Garry Neilson, who at best is sick and demented, to continue to work as a judge?
  3. Given the list Senator Heffernan has relates to alleged paedophiles in NSW why has Premier Baird been totally silent on the issue?

Then there is regular stories in the media about paedophiles getting reduced sentences, suspended sentences and bail when they have pleaded guilty. The judges and prosecutors who do this or allow it to happen need investigating.

A dangerous game for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull if he fails to act

The matter cannot be swept under the carpet and has to be investigated as it won’t go away until it is dealt with the same as it hasn’t gone away in Britain. If PM Turnbull tries to cover it up then he owns it and is part of the problem. To be left as it is will smear the name of all former Prime Ministers and eventually at least one or two of them will demand an inquiry you would think.

There is a lot more to come in this story. It’s just a matter of time.

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Source : https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/2015/10/25/who-is-the-former-australian-prime-minister-and-judges-who-are-paedophiles/

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