
The Plan

Fall....my thoughts turn to "Our Jakie" at one of those awful visits with caseworker, Holly Masters Litton sitting inches away from us in a cubicle food stamp office that was 8 feet by 8 feet (maybe). She would sit there and stare at me trying to intimidate as we played games and tried to have fun. It didn't take her long to figure out I can't be intimidated.

This type of psychological warfare and manipulation is common from the caseworker to the families of origin.

Intimidating, belittling, manipulation of facts, lies, estrangement and deceit in an attempt to gain psychological control of the #TAKEN child, IS the status quo of the caseworker.

While this is happening, a permanency planning supervisor (Leilyn Hall) is the person structuring the timetable for forced alienation and assimilation into the "Foster provider" environment. There is EVERY possibility that the Foster provider is actually an adopter shopping for their family.

The CASA is a person appointed by the court to assist in the facilitation of this forced removal. Under the guise of the "respectability of the court" our CASA, Nicole Hall, did not have to do much more than copy the exact words of the caseworker to further facilitate the forced alienation of our Jake from 63 family members of origin. I want to include here that my son was never found to be a "perpetrator". I was the one accused of abuse, not him.

The judge, Luke Duel, is the person who presides over this fiasco of "Justice", I would only find out much later that decisions made by family court judges are based in federal funding incentives for Foster warehousing and completed adoptions. As long as a child is "in services", the county the case originates out of receives title IV-E and federal adoption incentives.

In my first meeting with Jake's 11th Foster placement, no sooner did she say "hello" to me and I said "hello" the very next sentence out of her mouth was "We would keep him", as if she were asking my blessing. My next sentence to her was, "Jake has a family". The reality though was that she and her husband had waited too long to have their family and at 40 adoption was her only option. Careers were firmly in place, well established lives, now they could afford a child. Her experience as a counselor for children and an expert witness in court, allowed her testimony and desire to be Jake's mother preclude EVERY truth in the case. She wanted to build her family, Jake was her first "foster placement.

I recently found out there is a good possibility that Jake's first name has been changed, erasing the identity of my beloved grandson entirely. Jake is a baptized Catholic, a fact DHS, the judge, AND the adopters ignore. My grandson was born and given his name by his mother and father, sanctioned in the church of his birth, #JakeDenzilCumpian and now has been effectively erased by medication and the ill will of all parties mentioned...for profit.

I will add that when I contacted Deputy Director of DHS, Amy Whitton, and carefully described events as they unfolded, she told me, "This may be true, but everything we do is WITHIN the law".

These players all have a role in the termination of your parental rights along with the District Attorney (the lawyer for CPS) and the court appointed attorney (the courts way of silencing you).

I don't often allow my mind to ponder the people involved in the confiscation of Jake. When I think about the 3 years of hell I have endured since Jake's confiscation on Halloween Day, I have carefully compartmentalized my grief and psychotic rage into boxes, placed on a shelf in a dark closet of my mind, behind a carefully locked door. I don't dwell on the little boy who took my hand on the porch that day as I reached out to him so he would not trip on his costume (I, of course, had to get a picture and then reached up to assist him down). The little boy who took my hand and said, "Thank you memaw for my costume". But Halloween comes around and I relive every single second of that day....on a morning like this....when the leaves are falling and there is a chill in the air... every detail! The horror of being accused of abuse and jailed, the lies and deceit to come, the stripping of my humanity by each person involved in the process. Two years of hell to be robbed of justice at the very end when that chicken shit district attorney stood down on the child abuse charges because he knew he could not win AFTER they had terminated my rights and Jake had been sold to his "new family".

Now the Halloween decorations stay in the box. It is one more day to "got through"...hopefully without incident. The fragile nature of a human being's mind after this type of legal torture endures there is no guarantee of falling off the cliff of clinical depression, because of a trigger.....like seeing a child in a Halloween costume. On a day that was so filled with joy, turned dark and ugly, forever.

